We Develop Games for These Key Platforms

Excellence in 2D game development on the most popular platforms and capturing the attention of players with a wide variety of preferences is one of our main features.

  • PC

    End-to-end game development for personal computers (Windows or MacOS)

  • Console

    Game development on all major console platforms: Xbox, Nintendo, PS4.

  • Mobile

    Creating games for iOS and Android platforms or cross-platform development.

  • AR/VR

    Using cutting-edge virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to create games.

Our Fundamental Benefits in 2D Game Development

We approach the development process of 2D games with technical thoroughness and artistic vision, which allows us to clearly follow the wishes of the client, adhering to the best industry standards.

Quick Facts About Us

We focus on providing Android game development services to create projects that stand out and stay in memory for long. Our Android game developers have extensive experience enabling us to help global gaming companies with their popular titles.

Game Artists and
Years Of Experience
Years Average

Technologies We Are Well Versed In

  • # Unity

    Cross-platform game engine featuring component-oriented approach and support for a huge number of platforms, technologies, and API.

  • # C

    Fast and versatile programming language with a clear structure, allowing you to create both small and large-scale projects for the PC.

  • # C++

    A comprehensive programming language for creating demanding AAA projects with rich visualization with multiplayer support on Unreal.

  • # C#

    A powerful yet simple programming language that makes it easy to create indie games in Unity 3D and CryEngine for PC.

  • # Swift

    An open, fast and interactive programming language from Apple that is used to create simple games for iOS and Mac.

  • # HTML5

    A simple language with fast implementation used to create browser games and indie projects: table games, tile-matching games, slots, and others.

Other Services

As a game development company, we offer various services to create high-quality, engaging, and successful games. Our team of experts collaborates closely with clients, leveraging their expertise and creativity to deliver games that exceed expectations.
With a deep understanding of mobile technology and design prowess, we develop engaging games. Our experts create a game architecture that allows content to scale. Our team will also provide accurate quality assurance and post-release support.
Our skilled Unity developers can create engaging games across various genres, from action and adventure to puzzle and simulation. We leverage Unity's robust features and tools to create high-quality games that captivate players and drive success in the gaming market.
Android game testing is a specialized service that ensures games are free from bugs, glitches, and other issues that could hinder gameplay or user experience. We offer a comprehensive suite of mobile game testing services tailored to the unique needs of the gaming industry.
A well-designed UX enhances the overall gameplay, making it more intuitive and enjoyable. At our company, we offer a comprehensive suite of UX game design services tailored to the unique needs of the gaming industry.
Our team harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to create game experiences that push the envelope. We can generate intelligent behavior of non-player characters (NPCs). We also use AI-based game analytics techniques to explore probable behavior in branched game scenarios. AI-powered analytics also helps to identify problem areas and quickly fix bugs clearly.
Our talented animators create lifelike and expressive character animations and immersive environments that enhance the player's connection to the game. We offer various animation styles, from realistic to stylized, and create detailed and dynamic animations that respond to the player's actions.
Our skilled illustrators can create detailed concept art, and character designs that serve as the foundation for your projects. Whether for games, animation, or storytelling, our team can bring your ideas to life with compelling and memorable characters.


How much time does it take to create a 2D game?

The speed of creating a 2D game depends on the complexity, the platform used, the number of specialists, and the level of their competence. If we are talking about 2D mobile game development, then it can take several months. A more complex 2D PC game may take up to a year to complete.

What do you need to start 2D game development?

To start 2D game development, you first need a viable idea. It is best to consult with professional producers and game designers to determine its potential. Logically, we come to the second requirement: a good team is essential for a successful 2D game development process.

Since a 2D game is a complex multi-component product, the team will consist of more people: game designers, artists, animators, developers, testers, project managers and interface artists. Instead of collecting these specialists separately, it is better to find a 2D game development company that provides outsourcing services. He will select the right team for your needs and you will be able to start the process of creating a game immediately without downtime.

How to hire 2D game developers?

2D game development is a common niche. Before you start hiring, you need to narrow down your search. What game engine are you interested in? What platforms are you targeting? By answering these questions, you will be able to determine a specific circle of developers who are suitable specifically for your project.

Your next step is to choose between freelancers or an outsourcing studio. The second option is much more profitable and rational: you will get a full-fledged team ready to create a game from scratch. At the same time, all team members work smoothly, adhering to proven pipelines, and guarantee the delivery of results at a clearly agreed time.

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