Our Technology Expertise
in 3D Art

We pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of technology to ensure that your 3D art projects are executed with precision and innovation. Our talented team combines their artistic skills with cutting-edge software and tools to deliver exceptional results.

The Team for Creating Your Ideal 3D Art in Malaysia

Our dedicated team is composed of game industry professionals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of 3D art. When you collaborate with us, you'll have access to a highly skilled team

  • # Art Director

    Our art director is a leader who oversees the creative direction of your project.

  • # Lead 3D Artist

    The lead 3D artist is an experienced artist responsible for bringing your concepts to life in three dimensions.

  • # Project Manager

    Our project manager is your point of contact throughout the project, ensuring seamless communication and timely delivery.

  • # 3D Concept Artists

    Our concept artists are our creative minds who generate initial concepts and ideas for your 3D art.

  • # 3D Character Designers

    Our 3D character designers are specialists in crafting memorable and expressive characters for your projects.

  • # 3D Environment Designers

    Experts in creating immersive and visually stunning environments for your game project.

  • # Technical Artist

    A skilled professional who ensures the technical aspects of your 3D art are flawless.

Our 3D Game Art Portfolio

At Kevuru Games, we are dedicated to transforming your vision into captivating 3D art that exceeds your expectations. Our portfolio will show you our expertise and skills.

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Our Benefits in 3D Art

Our 3D specialists can customize our 3D art services to meet our clients' unique requirements. We work closely with our clients to understand their vision, and goals and then create 3D art assets that align with their needs and expectations.

Quick Facts About Us

Kevuru Games has been working on the market for 12 years. We work as a 3D art outsourcing company that has provided services for game design environments or character design, as well as props, objects, assets for different game genres. Our skilled team of game industry experts covers any specific task of our clients.


Game Artists and
Years Of Experience
Years Average

We offer 3D art outsourcing services in Malaysia and prove our skills and expertise with projects we created for other famous publishers.

Other Services

Our team provides professional game art solutions for publishers seeking top-notch art for their gaming projects. We offer full-cycle game development services to our clients as well as art services.
Game development is a symphony of creativity, precision, and technical mastery. Our end-to-end game development outsourcing services encompass every facet of your project, from conceptualization to launch.
We specialize in crafting characters, environments, assets, and visuals that redefine industry standards. When you choose us, your game not only meets player expectations but becomes a commercially successful project.
Our 2D game art outsourcing services harmonize nostalgia and modernity, from pixel art that evokes cherished memories to contemporary 2D art that pushes boundaries.


What is 3D art?

3D art is a multidimensional form of artistic expression that transcends the boundaries of 2D artwork. It involves the creation of 3D objects, characters, environments, and assets using specialized software and techniques. In the gaming industry, 3D art plays a pivotal role in bringing virtual worlds to life, enhancing player immersion, and elevating the overall gaming experience.

What are the stages of 3D art in Malaysia?

The rise of indie game development brought a breath of fresh air to Malaysia’s gaming scene. Independent game studios began to flourish, and with them came innovative approaches to 3D game art. These studios embraced creative freedom and took risks, resulting in unique and captivating game art styles.

How to hire 3D artists in Malaysia?

Hiring 3D artists in Malaysia is a strategic process that allows you to tap into the nation’s vibrant artistic talent pool. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Define Your Project: Clearly outline your project’s goals, scope, and budget. Determine the type of 3D art expertise you require, whether it’s for sculptures, installations, digital art, or virtual reality experiences.
  • Research: Explore Malaysia’s thriving art scene, attend exhibitions, and browse online portfolios to identify artists whose work aligns with your project’s vision.
  • Networking: Attend art-related events, workshops, and seminars to connect with local artists and art enthusiasts. Networking can provide valuable insights and recommendations.
  • Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms and art marketplaces where Malaysian 3D artists showcase their work. Websites, social media, and art forums can be valuable resources.
  • Consult Art Galleries: Contact art galleries and studios in Malaysia, as they often represent talented artists. Galleries can facilitate introductions and negotiations.
  • Interview and Portfolio Review: Once you’ve identified potential artists, conduct interviews to assess their skills, creativity, and compatibility with your project. Review their portfolios to gauge their previous work.
  • Budget Negotiation: Discuss pricing, payment terms, and timelines with the selected
  • Collaboration and Communication: Maintain open communication with the artist throughout the project. Provide feedback and be open to their creative input.

Why outsource 3D art services?

Outsourcing 3D art services can offer numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for individuals and businesses alike:

  • Access to Expertise: Outsourcing allows you to tap into the expertise of seasoned 3D artists who possess specialized skills and experience in various aspects of the art form.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Hiring in-house 3D artists can be expensive, considering salaries, equipment, and software costs. Outsourcing often provides a more cost-effective solution.
  • Flexibility: Outsourcing allows you to scale your 3D art projects up or down based on your needs. You can collaborate with different artists for various projects without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time staff.
  • Timely Delivery: Experienced 3D art service providers are accustomed to meeting deadlines and can deliver high-quality work within specified timeframes.
  • Diverse Styles: By outsourcing, you can access a wider pool of talent with diverse artistic styles, ensuring that your project is tailored to your specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing frees up your time and resources to focus on your core business activities while leaving the creative work to the experts.
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